Monday, November 16, 2009

ohh hey!

Just so we're all on the same page, I am in fact still in Madrid and LOVING IT!!

Apologies for the lack of updates... I PROMISE to write more soon.

Just a quick fun fact so my extensive fan base knows what I'm currently up to:

I'm meeting the Prince of Spain tomorrow.  Yeah, Felipe.  That one.

No big deal, he's only the next in line to become King.

And luckily my Spanish is totally excellent (......................una broma) and lots of us are going (........otra broma), and I am really good at dressing up (hahaha) and I'm super well prepared (...............ha!!), so I'll totally blend in and just hide in the back.

But like, en serio: From the little I know, it's the Fulbright Commission's 50th anniversary of existing between the US and Spain.  Somehow, I'm the only US English Teaching Assistant going, plus a US research guy, and maybe a couple of Spanish grantees, and then the Fulbright Commission people... so we'll be a pretty small "audience" for the Principe.

Thank goodness I did TONS of power-shopping with various friends and family members (aka my mom, with Adrienne consulting via photo texts) in the few days I had between camp and flying to Spain at the end of the summer, so I at least have a presentable outfit to wear... I think... I'm scared those with better fashion sense will tell me it's not perfect, so I'm not showing anyone until after.

But you can definitely expect pictures, as long as that's allowed...?  My students wanted to know if they could see me on TV.  A teacher I work with told me she'd buy the paper on Tuesday just to see if I made it in there.  So I'll have to post something about it here, too.  I promise.  


jeri said...

I did get in . jeri

Unknown said...

Waiting on the edge of our chairs for the exciting details!
M & D

Sara said...

So exciting. I love that this happened a while ago? or am I wrong?
Either way, it's good to know you still exist and everything.

Unknown said...

Cameron, of course, failed to mention this exciting opportunity. Got pictures? Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, although it is odd to have that very American family day without family and not in the USA. My folks and Sandy's folks and her brother and the twins plus Cam and Jamie, all at our house. Lots of food, Texas football and napping. So traditional.
